Monday, February 27, 2012

Speaking Out: Sexual Harrassment

Sorry for the long long retreat from our blogger page, but we hope to be back and better than ever.  In any case, we are talking today about Sexual Harrassment.  We basically explain various things and ideas and helpful hints as to what to do and how to address it both quietly and loudly.  We are working to make our videos better and also add more people and go out on locations to where we can make our videos different and better.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Teen Experience

I want people to know that our Teen Experience video was mine and Kim's 2nd video that we filmed and we didnt make good when we did the editing as we kept on rambling on, instead of making stop points, so when you view these just take that into consideration.

Now here is my vision of what i am seeing with Teens today. Ok Teenagers SERIOUSLY have a problem with life today. Everyone does understand what they are going through, but no one has their updated info about it. Which is why its always best to have your kids teach you the new lingos and slangs and styles of today, so that way you CAN relate. The most major problem is with sex and drugs, which i feel doubles nearly every year as there are drug related sex, alcohol related sex, rapes, family or friend sex, or their personal want of sex. Also when it comes to drugs theres peer pressure, just the fact that they are there, and "fuck it" moments as to when and why they want to experiment. People you need to stop being pussies and start talking, its best to say that you at least said something to them rather than wishing that you had when their lives are already fucked up or trouble is taking place.

I live in Southwest Missouri and the parents that i have seen and even been around or dated that had kids, ill say on MY OWN personal experience with those i have met in my life, about 75% of parents, whether together or single parents... Really let their kids run around and do crazy shit. I think kids need SOME FORM of discipline and the reason behind that is because it lets them know from jumpstreet or for you not knowing my slang, it means from birth or the beginning, that YOU are in CHARGE and not them. I feel once they learn that you are the parent an that the things you tell them to do gives them a bit of respect for you as well as for themselves to know they have accomplished something and maybe, just maybe they will look to you for information should they need it.

Parents i know this is the ramblings of some guy that you dont know, but you seriously have to put your foot down when it comes to kids, because they are going to be the ones who have control of you when you finally break down. Do you want them to just shove you in the nursing home because they are mad? Do you want them to be the ones who end your life? Or how about the ones who drive you to financial disaster, because you feel the need to protect your babies? If you are a single mother or father, trust me i know its hard as hell, but remember kids need both parents even if the other is bad, but if one or the other is a horrible horrible person, then you HAVE to tell the kids what that person did and why, when they turn to ask you where their mom or dad is... of course when it is age appropriate. Also it is best to at least allow them to see the families of the other parent so that way they have a sense as to where they are from.

Our children will grow older and always test the limits. Make sure you are able to be the one who sets the limits. I honestly dont remember a time when i tested the limits with my dad, even though i know i have sometime around in my life. I know i did with my mother, but she was both mean and compassionate and i think that works alot for me. I find myself thinking about her all the time and always depending on my dad for alot as well... Its a good feeling, even though i am well in my 30s, lol.

Now to the reasons behind the videos and yes i make big blogs, because i feel the need to Speak Out which is the point of all of this. PARENTS... Your kids are in relationships of some form or way and you need to know about it. I know you are not stupid, but some of you are highly oblivious to the fact that many kids are doing shit that you didnt do or did do and they cant control it. I know alot of teenagers here in my own family and in some of my friend's an their friend's families and WOW i have learned alot, but the sad part is that they are NOT my kids and you can only tell them so much before you parents actually jump the other person for attempting to do your job, lol. Honestly if at all possible a website called is a place where alot of teens talk about their experience and what they do when it comes to certain situations. The way alot of these kids talk and do and help each other, the kids nowadays are highly "dumb" when it comes to simple things. I have read that many kids dont know what to do when their boyfriends hit them or tell them shit that they are gonna do to them or to their families. Many kids are so afraid of some 15/16 year old punks that they have no true knowledge that the family has all the power to save themself rather than some punk coming to do whatever it is that they threatened to do.

Parents?? Many of your kids dont know what to do if they had been raped and alot of them have posted on various sites that they sit and hide for days, burn their clothes, cut their skins, because they were violated and dont know how to release the pressure or thoughts of what happened. We have to talk about it... this is todays world not the 50s or earlier when all you did was shove them in insane asylums or sent them to convents or other parents or discipline places. If you step up an talk about shit that you really dont want to, then you will see a great big picture and the kids grow up on a better level so that way you can know and trust them to do the right things.

Well i wont stretch this blog any further than i have to, but i do want you all to know that abuse is not the answer, ignoring the issue is not the answer, and that STUPID countdown that you parents seem to do DOES NOT WORK AT ALL STOP THAT SHIT!!!! Just talk to them or have them do other things when they are in trouble it makes it easier. When it comes to some problems, tell them about your experiences and guide them on what they could do NOT NEED TO, but could do. When it comes to their teenage life, just be open an honest and YES talk about the nasty shit that you did and what happened afterwards and also tell them about alot of your drug/sex/or other experiences and tell them the end result behind it, so that way they are at least informed and they can learn to watch rather than do and be screwed for life and that is just a personal message.... No one will be a perfect parent, because we dont have perfect kids, but its nice to know that i can at least say that i have good kids.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friendship: The one thing thats considered a fine line.

I feel the world to be a much more different place when it comes to friends and family. When we are born, the people come and go randomly. We only recognize things when we are of age to do so and at most points told so. Friendship in Ohio for me was seeing the neighbor kids and heading over there to play and then there was some that you just didnt mess with because you had that innocent vibe telling you to be curious, but to stay away. When i moved to Missouri, Friendships meant that you are now the aunts and uncles of your close friend's kids. In Ohio, thats not tolerated simply because no one really fully trusted the other and plus its not like you see them everyday because the cities are bigger and much more complicated to drive to rather than driving down the street to a buddies house just for kicks like you can in Missouri, well the smaller cities anyways.

Our video is our first one and though we were both prepared and yet not prepared due to alot of our personal history when it comes to friendship, we do attempt to share the fact that many people in the world are hungry for attention, hungry for the knowledge of what other people think of another person and acceptance in all its glory. I believe in Arrogance simply because many people use that emotion or practice of sorts everyday. I am arrogant when it comes to some people and it just merely avoid them, of course its a personal choice, but when it comes to people you have known for years is it really that serious to drop a friend because of a small problem? Or how about a boyfriend/girlfriend? What if you are told to do it by another person who is not your family? Hell what if it is your family? Friendship nowadays is a fine line simply because people take it much more seriously than that of their own family.

Myself and Kim speak about personal feelings towards friends, whether current or past simply because its the one thing that kicks us in the chest when people tend to disappear and we dont know why. Once always being asked to come down and then soon learning that we are completely expendable. We have many mutual friends and in some cases we have been casted out for unknown reasons. Whats the point of being friends with someone only to screw them? If its for material things, arent you able to buy it or simply ask for it later? Or is it sexual? I admit i wouldnt mind befriending some people simply to sit and check them out, but doesnt that get boring after a while? Eventually youll get casted out yourself because you are not in that person's league or perhaps you are not doing anything for them... Hell maybe its because you are not a risk taker and wont do what he/she says or does for fun. What and why is the point of being around someone that doesnt do anything for you or thats even in your league? Thats the reasons behind cliques right?

I know this blog would seem very incoherant, but in a sense it is. Our videos are soon to provide the world a good service i think and hopefully itll make many people at least think of what they should do in a situation where they sit and wonder their place in their friend's world. Do you really want to continue to be used? Do you see a pattern of when your friend calls or comes around? Are you holding that person back? What if its you that gets the raw end of the deal? Reason why i say this, is that the world Karma always comes up whether its in revenge, excuses, or even plain life. Karma is a bitch literally and she is mean. You try to be the good friend and something from your past comes to haunt you, you are the bad friend and something happens that haunts you... basically the famous word is Drama. You are damned if you do and damned if you dont, but its always good to have the few close friends around you to pick up the pieces when you are down... Close friends are hard to find, even childhood friends are not strong enough and sadly i learned that the hardway.

Please check out our videos and as always please post anything you would like to say, this is Speaking Out and we want you to Speak Out.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Information about Sex Offender: Not Always Black and White

This episode of "speaking Out" we discussed sex offenders: information regarding legislation, along with precautionary measures could take to protect their family and themselves.

Current legislation regarding criminal sexual offenses is not a matter of black and white (this varies form state to state. Rumor has it, that if you are caught urinating outside and a child has witnessed this event, you may be required to be put on the sexual offenders registry. (Don't quote me on this- I haven't seen the proof yet.)

My personal thought, as I am a female, is why on earth would you be pissing outside in the first place? Just my opinion.

The problem lies with many societal issues that take place everyday. For example, statutory rape cases, a young boy and young girl are dating. One day this young boy becomes a young man, and now is 18 and the girl is 16, they are in love..yada...yada...yada...

And of course they are having sex, then they break up or the parents of the girl are upset with the boyfriend. The young man goes to jail and has to deal with the aftermath of being sex offender.

I see where the gray area is, but I also see a solution to the problem. Don't have sex- plain and simple. These days the American culture has became law suit happy. Many people will do just about anything to get revenge on someone that has hurt them.

Time to jump off that wagon...

The current trends among teens and youth in America...apparently is "sexting." I was clueless about this until Brian mentioned it to me. I need to get out more.

Sexting has become a growing trends amongst many people today. A person will sext someone by sending a sexual text message sometimes photos are included along with these messages.

There have been many cases of this were children, have been charged with a felony for doing so. In another case, a woman found her child had committed suicide after the child's boyfriend had distributed the photos of her that she had sexted him.

These are a just a few examples of traumatic incidences that could have been avoided.

Here are few suggestions that we recommended for precautionary measures:

1) If you are under 18, don't have sex
2) If you are over 18,m don't have sex with someone that is under 18, and see some id, meet their parents..., if you are in love with someone under age- you can wait until the are of legal age.
3) If you are going out, to have some drinks or clubbing- don't act like a hoochie mama and don't get ridiculously drunk. Always take your drink with you!!!! Have some class and stay safe.
4) For the guys or ladies out there going out to find them some...don't hook up with someone that is messed up. There could be some serious consequences, the day after.
5) Kids and even adults too- don't take or send naked pictures of yourself. The consequences could lead to criminal charges or public humiliation- either way it's just no good.
6) Parents find out who is in your neighborhood, you can easily locate if a child molester is living in your area. You can go to this website, it's free to use
This way you can tell your child what areas to avoid.
7) Parents get involved in your children life, ask about their day, have a conversation.

Just a few tips, to protect you and yours safe.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Welfare Abuse and Abuse of Government Assistance

Welfare abuse runs rampant in various communities, especially the one we live in. Before I get myself into deep, I am strong believer in helping others. Then again there comes a time to draw the line.

In our episode of speaking out, Brian and I discuss the abuse of welfare, and other state funded programs. What we have witnessed in our neighborhoods is people abusing the system by spending their money on drugs and alcohol, clubbing, and the like, instead of taking the initiative to spend their money wisely to better themselves.

These programs are helpful and are needed, don't get me wrong. Once upon a time, I was on a state assistance program-TANF for a brief period of time (hope that I will never have to be on it again-knock on wood.)

The problem lies that people are misusing these programs. If you are someone who is currently on government assistance programs and sees no way of ever getting off it. Here are a few things you can do:

Get a job (this applies to those of you who do not have one,) if employment seems to be hard to find then start your own business, or odd jobs. Like cleaning houses, making and selling crafts, turn a passion into a business-just to name a few.

Learn how to budget your money. If you don't know how, check out a book at your local library, ask your Family Services Center if any local agencies offer money management classes ( many do for free), there is also Beehive that has a whole plethora on many important topics for free.

These are just a couple a tips to help empower yourself, and become a productive member in society.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Welcome to our "Speaking Out with Kim and Brian" blog. We decided to create a blog to generate some feedback on our shows. If you happen to run into this blog purely by chance, you can check out the channel on YouTube here.

For those of you who know what the heck I am talking about. Please feel free to leave comments on the blog posts or the videos at YouTube. We want to know what your thoughts, suggestions and topics of concern are.