Friday, October 23, 2009

Welfare Abuse and Abuse of Government Assistance

Welfare abuse runs rampant in various communities, especially the one we live in. Before I get myself into deep, I am strong believer in helping others. Then again there comes a time to draw the line.

In our episode of speaking out, Brian and I discuss the abuse of welfare, and other state funded programs. What we have witnessed in our neighborhoods is people abusing the system by spending their money on drugs and alcohol, clubbing, and the like, instead of taking the initiative to spend their money wisely to better themselves.

These programs are helpful and are needed, don't get me wrong. Once upon a time, I was on a state assistance program-TANF for a brief period of time (hope that I will never have to be on it again-knock on wood.)

The problem lies that people are misusing these programs. If you are someone who is currently on government assistance programs and sees no way of ever getting off it. Here are a few things you can do:

Get a job (this applies to those of you who do not have one,) if employment seems to be hard to find then start your own business, or odd jobs. Like cleaning houses, making and selling crafts, turn a passion into a business-just to name a few.

Learn how to budget your money. If you don't know how, check out a book at your local library, ask your Family Services Center if any local agencies offer money management classes ( many do for free), there is also Beehive that has a whole plethora on many important topics for free.

These are just a couple a tips to help empower yourself, and become a productive member in society.
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